MPC Magazine Application
Subscribers to the Masonic Philatelic Club Magazine enjoy the following benefits:
Subscribers to the magazine become members of the MPC
Receive 4 copies of the magazine each year
Participate in the Master of Philately Degree
Purchase stamps from the Stock Controller
Purchase items offered by the magazine from time to time
Participate in the package scheme
Please complete the form below or send your request by emailing masonicphilatelicclub@yahoo.co.uk giving the following information:
- Full name and address
- Telephone and email
- Lodge No. & Name if you are a Freemason
- Method of payment*
*Please indicate how you wish to pay the annual subscription: Standing order, Cheque, PayPal, or please give details if any other method is preferred.
An application form will be sent to you on receipt of this information.
Annual fees:
The initial application for membership** is:
UK £10
Europe & the rest of the world £15
**Regardless of the time of year the application is made. The Magazine is issued in Jan, April, July, and October of each year and the subscription will thereafter be UK £10. Europe & the rest of the world £15 per year payable on Oct 1st of each year unless otherwise notified.